Did you know?

  • Average Daily Student Enrollment was 3,077.48, with State average of 2,824.14
  • Receives $1,137.63 per student from the State and LESS than State average of $3,703.14
  • Spends $10,198.73 per student and LESS than State average expense of $11,164.17
  • Spends 69.87% of each dollar on salary and benefits while the State average is 73.87% per dollar
  • Average administrative salary is $68,666.43 and LESS than State average of $78,561.81
  • In the 2017 graduating class, 7 of the top 10 highest academically ranked students participated in Aviator Athletics
  • There were 96 students who participated in College Credit Plus courses during the 2016-2017 school year.  Those students earned 841 college credits and 265.92 high school credits
  • A total of 575 kindergarten through third graders used iPads and the eSpark program to enhance their education.  Students completed 28,173 activities using learning apps and videos
  • Vandalia-Butler City Schools was named to the 7th Annual AP District Honor Roll for expanding opportunity and improving performance for Advanced Placement students.  More than 75% of the students at Smith Middle School either made the Principal’s List or Honor Roll at least one time last year
  • Butler High School’s National Honor Society had 129 members:  72 seniors, 57 juniors
  • Morton Middle School had 46 seventh and eighth grade students participate in the National Junior Honor Society.  Inductees into NJHS must maintain a 3.5 grade point average and are considered for membership based on accomplishments including service leadership character and citizenship
  • 196 Kindergarten through third grade students at Demmitt and Helke Elementary read 3,516 books during the summer by participating in the Kids Read Now program.
  • Vandalia Preschool received a $1,500 grant from James Patterson and the Scholastic Reading Club.  Teachers began creating their own specialized lending library for preschool students.  These students will be able to check out and take home a book in the form of a literacy bag
  • Butler High School was included in the 2017 list of best high schools in the nation by U.S. News & World Report in their annual Best High Schools Rankings, based on performance on state assessments and how well students are being prepared for college
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