VBCSD Levy History

One of the reasons this levy is on the ballot is the district has not asked for new operating money in ten years. The most recent levies for the district are:

March 2020 – renewal of 7.03 mills operating for ten years

November 2017 – renewal of a continuous 6.99 mills operating

November 2015 – renewal of a 7.11 mills emergency operating

November 2013 – new operating 5 years | 6.99 mills < – This is the LAST new money ask.

Levy votes in November 2013, August 2012, and November 2011 were unsuccessful. May 2011 saw a renewal of a 5 year 6.54 mills operating levy and then one must go back to November 2008 for the $49.9 million dollar bond issue for new money (note: a bond issue cannot be used for operating expenses).

November 2006 was then the next historical new operating levy (5.9 mills, emergency) and November 2004 with a new 5.5 mills emergency levy for 5 years as the last new money asks in the past two decades [an entire generation plus some of students!].

A YES vote on Issue 10 is worth the investment in our children and our community!

This post paid for by Citizens for Education.

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