September District Newsletter – ICYMI

From Superintendent Rob O’Leary:

Property Tax Levy
As I shared last month, the Board of Education voted to put a 4-mill property tax levy on the November 2023 ballot. This will cost a taxpayer who owns a $100,000 home approximately $140 per year. CFO/Treasurer Eric Beavers and I will be hosting an informational meeting about the levy on Wednesday, October 11 at 6:00 P.M. in the Performing Arts Theatre (PAT) at Butler High School. Montgomery County Auditor Karl Keith and Montgomery County Treasurer John McManus will be joining us to give updates from their offices and answer any questions you may have about this issue or anything regarding your property taxes in general.

State Funding Advocacy
Mr. Beavers and I continue to advocate for proper funding for our school district. We have had multiple meetings within the last month with the County Auditor’s office and a meeting at the state level with the Director of the Office of Budget and Management (OBM). We continue to contest and challenge these data points contained in the Ohio Dept. of Education’s District Profile Report as of FY2022:
1. VBCSD ranks 25th in lowest funded districts per pupil out of 25 districts in both Montgomery and Miami Counties.
2. VBCSD ranks 68th in lowest funded districts per pupil out of 69 in our entire Miami Valley region.
3. VBCSD ranks 36th in lowest funded districts per pupil out of all 613 public school districts in the state. In other words, 577 school districts receive more funding per pupil than our district.
This quest continues to lead us to more questions and fact finding, which we are actively pursuing in the hopes this can result in more state funding for the District. While we are getting some answers, we have more questions and more meetings planned. I will continue to update you each month until we are finished.

Paid for by Citizens for Education

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