VB Citizens for Education needs your help!

Citizens for Education is working again to inform the residents of the Vandalia-Butler School community about an important issue on the March 17, 2020 election ballot.  This emergency levy was successfully supported by the voters the last 5 times it has appeared on the ballot.  Passing this levy is essential for the district to avoid a return to the financial issues that lead to the 2012 fiscal crisis.  You can learn more about recent successes in the district’s 2016-2017 Quality ProfileNo new money or taxes are associated with this levy renewal.  Providing funding stability is crucial to locking in the district’s recovery and recent successes.  Passing the levy will enable the district to sustain its momentum and remain on track with the “Connecting Aviators – Our Children, Our Community 2021 Strategic Plan.” Specifics associated with the district’s funding can be obtained by contacting the district’s Treasurer, Mr. Eric Beavers.

Citizens for Education can always use volunteers to step up and help “get the word out” about the need for continuing fiscal responsibility in the Vandalia-Butler School District.  If you would like to help with the current campaign, your support can be used in many ways.  We need people willing to place a sign in their yard or business, to write a positive letter to the editor (email to editor@vbcitizensforeducation.com), or distribute flyers in your neighborhood.  Citizens for Education also accepts monetary donations (see form on website).

Citizens for Education is an ongoing community group that exists to provide support and resources to the Vandalia-Butler Schools.  Recruiting volunteers and supporting levy campaigns are only part of its purpose.  Continuing to provide information to the community, enabling awareness of school issues, and providing a political platform for supportive community action is also important.

More information can be found on the website www.vbcitizensforeducation.com.  Please contact volunteers@vbcitizensforeducation.com to join up to support this worthy effort.  When the community unites together, a lot gets accomplished.

Thank you for your support,

The entire team at VB Citizens for Education

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