Archive for the ‘important’ Category

VB Citizens for Education needs your help!

Citizens for Education is working again to inform the residents of the Vandalia-Butler School community about an important issue on the March 17, 2020 election ballot.  This emergency levy was successfully supported by the voters the last 5 times it has appeared on the ballot.  Passing this levy is essential for the district to avoid […]

What can you do to help?

By contacting and providing us with your email address, you will be included in all of the activities concerning this levy as well as other events supporting our local schools.  Watch for more information on our facebook page and website. What can you do to help folks RENEW their support for the V-B schools? Write a […]

Vandalia Butler Citizens for Education

Vandalia Butler Citizens for Education exists as an ongoing community group to provide support to the Vandalia – Butler City Schools.  Among its purpose / activities are the following Recruitment of volunteers Fundraising for levy campaigns Provide information for parents of school-age children Raise awareness of pertinent school issues among all residents Solicit resources (in-kind […]