Brian Huelskamp supports our schools.

When we moved here to Vandalia five years ago, my kids were just beginning their schooling and we needed to find a proper school district that would educate our kids.  Right away, we moved into an area where we were welcomed with opens arms, and I could tell this community valued taking care of each other.  My daughters loved school right away, and they fell in love with many of the school’s activities.  My daughters will never pass up a Kona Ice day, they both loved the father/daughter dances at Demmitt, my oldest one loved hanging out with her friends during the Smith Camp Kern trip, and I spent some quality daddy daughter time with them making Gingerbread houses for a school competition.  My wife and I are grateful for all of those that have had a hand in teaching our daughters.

Kelly Stevens supports VB city schools.

Kelly Stevens
344 Topton Drive
Vandalia, Oh 45377

I am writing this letter in regards to the upcoming levy renewal for the Vandalia-Butler City School District community. I accepted my first teaching position at Butler High School in the fall of 1997. Since then I have not only built a successful teaching career but also have developed many positive relationships as a teacher, guidance counselor, coach, and resident. The Vandalia/Butler Township community is my home. My wife and I are home owners and proud parents of two Aviators who attend school at Morton and Helke.

Over the past two years our teachers have done more with less and continue to provide opportunities for all students with limited resources. Our District year in and year out continues to be one of the top performing school districts in the county despite the changes in our local economics as well as our continued reduction in funding from the state. Many of the districts that we compete against have higher average family incomes as well as receive more funds from the State. Over the past few years I have witnessed students withdraw from our District because of the reduction in opportunities.

Recently I have witnessed a new wave of energy in our future leaders and it is exciting to watch them grow. They have been instrumental in developing new programs for students to be involved in as well as being key stake holders in the Pride of Butler High. I am proud of our students and proud to call this my home. Please help support and nurture this energy with your continued support.

In closing I would like to personally thank you for your support and remind you that it takes the entire community to truly say “We Are Aviators!”.

Kelly Stevens

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Find us on Facebook!

For all of the most up-to-date information about the levy, check us out on Facebook by clicking on the icon to the right, or by searching for Vandalia Butler Citizens for Education!

We need your help

We need your help to spread the word. The Citizens for Education group is looking for donations to help us get the word out to the community about our need for the November 7, 2023 Emergency Levy.

Please see the attached Donation Form. Any donation helps us spread the word. Click the link to download the form. Mailing information is included in the form. Please make sure a copy of the completed form accompanies any donations.


March 17, 2020 Emergency Levy Renewal

  • This is a levy renewal that provides $4,447,000 annually.
  • This amount represents 12.5% of this year’s total revenue projections.
  • The renewal of this levy is critical to maintain current day-to-day operations.
  • If approved, this levy will change the length of the levy from 5 years to 10 years.
  • Voters have approved this 5 year levy five times.
  • Placing a levy on the ballot for an election is a large expense. By extending this from 5 to 10 years we save those dollars on another election in 5 years.

VB Citizens for Education needs your help!

Citizens for Education is working again to inform the residents of the Vandalia-Butler School community about an important issue on the March 17, 2020 election ballot.  This emergency levy was successfully supported by the voters the last 5 times it has appeared on the ballot.  Passing this levy is essential for the district to avoid a return to the financial issues that lead to the 2012 fiscal crisis.  You can learn more about recent successes in the district’s 2016-2017 Quality ProfileNo new money or taxes are associated with this levy renewal.  Providing funding stability is crucial to locking in the district’s recovery and recent successes.  Passing the levy will enable the district to sustain its momentum and remain on track with the “Connecting Aviators – Our Children, Our Community 2021 Strategic Plan.” Specifics associated with the district’s funding can be obtained by contacting the district’s Treasurer, Mr. Eric Beavers.

Citizens for Education can always use volunteers to step up and help “get the word out” about the need for continuing fiscal responsibility in the Vandalia-Butler School District.  If you would like to help with the current campaign, your support can be used in many ways.  We need people willing to place a sign in their yard or business, to write a positive letter to the editor (email to, or distribute flyers in your neighborhood.  Citizens for Education also accepts monetary donations (see form on website).

Citizens for Education is an ongoing community group that exists to provide support and resources to the Vandalia-Butler Schools.  Recruiting volunteers and supporting levy campaigns are only part of its purpose.  Continuing to provide information to the community, enabling awareness of school issues, and providing a political platform for supportive community action is also important.

More information can be found on the website  Please contact to join up to support this worthy effort.  When the community unites together, a lot gets accomplished.

Thank you for your support,

The entire team at VB Citizens for Education

Jeff Bardonaro supports VB city schools.

On March 17, 2021, Vandalia and Butler Township residents will be asked to renew the levy that is in place for the schools.

Over the last few years, I have really tried to learn about schools as much as I can. It is a very sophisticated finance world to say the least.

Most people agree Ohio’s school funding model probably isn’t the best. Local communities are asked to take on the bulk of the burden.

Funds coming into our district from the state seem to be decreasing but yet the state is requiring more and more.

Over the last few years, it seems to me more folks have engaged the schools to learn more. The district under the previous leadership of Brad Neavin and under Rob O’Leary today has truly embraced these inquiries.

The leadership has made the effort for transparency and for open discussions. The district suffered a major loss when Bruce Sucher passed, but the school board has answered the bell.

Eric Beavers, as the treasurer, continues to find ways to save the district money. He has refinanced bonds to save the tax payers millions roughly $2.3 million dollars, he has lowered pay to play and many other items. I recently sat through a presentation where Eric Beavers highlighted the “Fiscal Stewardship” of the district and was amazed by the steps the district has taken. This information can be found on inside the Quality Report for 2016-2017. The high school and the other schools are beaming with school pride and the sense of school spirit has been reinvigorated in Vandalia. The school held its first ever district wide pep assembly and the kids in our neighborhood were still talking about it over that weekend. For me, the best investment I can make is to invest in our local community and a major part of that is investing in our schools. If you have questions reach out to the board office, you will be amazed how willing they are to discuss. Please support the schools on March 17th.

Jeff Bardonaro
Vandalia-Butler Class of 1998

Did you know?

  • Average Daily Student Enrollment was 3,077.48, with State average of 2,824.14
  • Receives $1,137.63 per student from the State and LESS than State average of $3,703.14
  • Spends $10,198.73 per student and LESS than State average expense of $11,164.17
  • Spends 69.87% of each dollar on salary and benefits while the State average is 73.87% per dollar
  • Average administrative salary is $68,666.43 and LESS than State average of $78,561.81
  • In the 2017 graduating class, 7 of the top 10 highest academically ranked students participated in Aviator Athletics
  • There were 96 students who participated in College Credit Plus courses during the 2016-2017 school year.  Those students earned 841 college credits and 265.92 high school credits
  • A total of 575 kindergarten through third graders used iPads and the eSpark program to enhance their education.  Students completed 28,173 activities using learning apps and videos
  • Vandalia-Butler City Schools was named to the 7th Annual AP District Honor Roll for expanding opportunity and improving performance for Advanced Placement students.  More than 75% of the students at Smith Middle School either made the Principal’s List or Honor Roll at least one time last year
  • Butler High School’s National Honor Society had 129 members:  72 seniors, 57 juniors
  • Morton Middle School had 46 seventh and eighth grade students participate in the National Junior Honor Society.  Inductees into NJHS must maintain a 3.5 grade point average and are considered for membership based on accomplishments including service leadership character and citizenship
  • 196 Kindergarten through third grade students at Demmitt and Helke Elementary read 3,516 books during the summer by participating in the Kids Read Now program.
  • Vandalia Preschool received a $1,500 grant from James Patterson and the Scholastic Reading Club.  Teachers began creating their own specialized lending library for preschool students.  These students will be able to check out and take home a book in the form of a literacy bag
  • Butler High School was included in the 2017 list of best high schools in the nation by U.S. News & World Report in their annual Best High Schools Rankings, based on performance on state assessments and how well students are being prepared for college

What can you do to help?

By contacting and providing us with your email address, you will be included in all of the activities concerning this levy as well as other events supporting our local schools.  Watch for more information on our facebook page and website.

What can you do to help folks RENEW their support for the V-B schools?

General questions about campaign may be directed to

Vandalia Butler Citizens for Education

Vandalia Butler Citizens for Education exists as an ongoing community group to provide support to the Vandalia – Butler City Schools.  Among its purpose / activities are the following

  • Recruitment of volunteers
  • Fundraising for levy campaigns
  • Provide information for parents of school-age children
  • Raise awareness of pertinent school issues among all residents
  • Solicit resources (in-kind donations) when necessary for special projects